
Meditation retreats

A meditation retreat allows us to with­draw from our usual ac­tiv­ities to a quiet and se­clud­ed place and devote our time to study, con­tem­pla­tion and med­ita­tion. Tra­di­tion­ally serious med­ita­tion re­treats will last at least 7 to 10 days.

In Thailand I've gained personal ex­pe­ri­ences and rec­om­mend :

Inter­national Dharma Her­mit­age of Wat Suan Mokkh, Chaiya, Surat Thani prov­ince (one 10–day re­treat every month),

Dipabhavan med­ita­tion center on Koh Sa­mui (two 7–day re­treats every month).

Both are suitable for be­gin­ners. The course lan­guage is Eng­lish.

With the gradual re-opening of Thailand's borders to visitors from abroad, both mentioned retreat centers have restarted their activities.

For updated information please visit the web­sites of the centers.

Revised: February 23, 2022

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