
Khun Reinhard
Meditation - Yoga - Buddhism

Buddhist meditation and Hatha yoga are ex­cel­lent and re­nowned tools to develop men­tal strength and a healthy body. The med­i­ta­tion and yoga tech­niques pre­sent­ed here are suit­able for be­gin­ners and will, if prac­tised cor­rect­ly, im­prove your mental well-being and bod­i­ly health.

The Bud­dhism page offers ar­ti­cles about De­pend­ent Orig­ina­tion, Kar­ma, Merit, Non-Self, The Five Ag­gre­gates, Free will and Bhik­khu­ni or­di­na­tion.

Avalokitesvara statue with Buddhist monks

Buddhist monks with Avalo­kites­vara statue on Koh Samui, Thailand


Human life is a complex inter­action be­tween body, mind, social and nat­u­ral en­vi­ron­ment. In order to live a healthy and happy life in tune with nature, the phys­i­cal, emo­tion­al, intel­lec­tual and spir­itu­al facets of life need to be bal­anced.

Asia offers tools like yoga and med­ita­tion which will help enjoy­ing life in a more healthy body with a sound and con­tent mind in tune with nature.

A trained body is less prone to in­ju­ries and even if weak­ness, sick­ness, and bodi­ly dis­com­fort can­not always be avoided, the spir­i­tu­al de­vel­op­ment will help to deal with them more wise­ly, with less suf­fer­ing of the mind.

A content and happy mind then does not feel the urge to con­stant­ly seek­ing pleas­ure out­side our­selves, thus re­duc­ing our de­mands and the pres­sure on the en­vi­ron­ment and the re­sour­ces of the planet.

The Yoga respective the Medi­ta­tion pag­es of this web­site will offer tech­niques and ex­er­cises, arti­cles and books to ben­e­fit body and mind.

The yoga part is suitable for people with nor­mal health for their ages. The exer­cises intro­duced are designed for be­gin­ners in­clud­ing sen­iors; they are gener­ally easy to learn and to do, fos­ter­ing har­mo­ni­ous co­or­di­na­tion of the breath­ing and bodily move­ments and pre­pare for more chal­leng­ing pos­tures.

The recently added Buddhism page offers es­sen­tial and some­what con­tro­ver­sial topics viewed from a Thera­vāda-Bud­dhist per­spec­tive. At pres­ent five topics: 'Non-self and the Five Ag­gre­gates', 'The Here-­and-­Now In­ter­pre­ta­tion of De­pend­ent O­rig­i­na­tion - Patic­ca­sa­mup­pada', 'Karma and Merit', 'Free Will in Bud­dhism and West­ern Phi­los­ophy' and 'Bhik­khuni ordi­na­tion con­tro­ver­sy' are of­fered for down­load­ing free of charge.